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Showing posts with the label Opinion

Is the GRAMMYs' "African Music" Category Tone-Deaf?

BY NATHANIEL BENJAMIN FEBRUARY 8, 2024. *** This article calls out the shortcomings of the GRAMMYs' current approach to African music, proposing solutions for a more nuanced and inclusive recognition system. ***

TO BE READ BOOKS OF 2024 & chief editor's letter.

*** Welcome to the new year! And more ... ***

God and Religion: A review

BY ANGEL DESMOND, APRIL 11, 2023. 'Religion na nonsense!!!'.  The first time I heard this was in the early days of my service at Mr. D.J.'s (he is not a DJ) company, and honestly, I was quite taken aback by the statement. I believe at the time I had plenty of reasons for being appalled and alarmed that I can't really put into words, but the more understandable ones were: my walk with Christ had just started to gain serious fervency when I came in contact with him—or rather his audacious statement. In moments when he'd make statements like these, I'd feel like the man was sent by the devil to derail me from the holy path. Sadly, this wouldn't be the first time someone would approach me with ludicrous declarations, so I was being, as the Holy Bible would admonish the saints, wise as a serpent.   Another reason—which I consider the more important—was that his statement was quite frankly at odds with the knowledge of Christianity that I have had. I grew up in a